Q: Am I limited with how I price my items?
A: No, prices are completely up to each stallholder. What you should keep in mind, is that you are trying to sell unwanted stuff so keep your prices reasonable. Also, if you are selling new stuff, you want to make a marginilised profit, so adjust your prices with that in mind.
Q: Can I share my stall?
A: Of course you can. However, all stall equipment including racks, tables, signage etc must be contained to the stall site boundaries. Public access ways must be clear at all times.
Q: What if I'm selling food? Do I need a food handlers check?
A:If you plan on selling items of food, please download our compliance form and submit it for approval. Go to this page to ensure you comply with all the Food Regulation Rules for this event.
Q: Can I decorate my stall?
A: How you present your stall is up to you completely. As long as it doesn't interfere with other stalls as well as not marking or damaging the tables and floors in any way, then it is completely fine.
Q: What time do I need to arrive, and what time can I leave?
A: Doors will be open 1 hour before opening time for you to set up. You must arrive at least 30 minutes BEFORE opening hours. You must stay until the very end, and can leave 30 minutes after closing time, but only AFTER checked off by an official.
Q: Am I required to hand out receipts? What about tax?
A: Be prepared to hand out a receipt if requested. However, you are required to keep a complete legible record of all sales and prices of items sold in a notebook. At the end of the night, the total will be recorded for your stall and 10% of the total (minus $10) will be collected from you in cash. Please do not leave the premises until you have been signed out by the official allocated to you. You do not need an ABN for this market. Your tax affairs are up to you. Australian residents do not have to lodge a tax return if they earn less than $18200 (Please check all TAX rules here)
Q: Will I have access to a powerplug?
A: Maybe, but you must provide your own extension cord. If you require power there will be a surcharge. Please email us to discuss your needs.​
Q: Will I be allowed to close my stall early or at any point during the market?
A: Not really. All stallholders must keep their stalls open from starting time to closing. You may want to work in shifts if you are planning to have a wander to other stalls yourself. If you have sold out of all your goods, then you will be required to create a "sorry, sold out" sign to display on your table. Please bring one in anticipation. Once checked by an official, only then can you leave early.
Q: Am I required to help with clean up after closing time?
A: Stallholders are responsible for leaving their site and surrounding area clean, tidy and undamaged.
Got more questions? email us here